In finite element analysis, Abaqus/CAE and Abaqus/Viewer are the standard pre- and post-processors for Dassault Systèmes’ finite element program system Abaqus. The integration of Abaqus functionalities in Abaqus/CAE has reached a very high level.
With the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, Dassault Systèmes provides a tool that offers much more functionality for digital product development. However, one should not be overwhelmed by the multitude of possibilities. The advantages of the platform can be used on many work levels, starting with the work of one department up to the integration of the product development of a corporation.
If you are used to working with one tool, if you have used this tool successfully over the years, perhaps supplemented it sensibly with your own tools at one point or another and tailored it to collaboration with other departments, a change to another software may seem unnecessary and difficult. We don’t want to advertise a possible change either. To our knowledge, it was also emphasized at the most recent SIMULIA Conference in Hanau that there are no plans to discontinue Abaqus/CAE. Such a change should be well considered and prepared, and should only be made if a benefit can be realized quickly. Here we are happy to offer you our advice, guidance and support.
In case you want to make the switch, we have started a series of articles in our wiki, which should make it easier to make the switch. Our wiki contribution with the overarching title ‘From Abaqus To 3DEXPERIENCE’ provides extensive information on the differences between the two software systems. In detail, it is shown how a work step known in Abaqus/CAE is implemented in 3DEXPERIENCE. However, it should also be shown which changes to familiar work steps can be useful.
Even if we will not be able to cover all areas, we want to build up different contributions due to the expected volume. Here, the following are currently planned:
- From Abaqus To 3DEXPERIENCE – General remarks
- From Abaqus To 3DEXPERIENCE – Geometry
- From Abaqus To 3DEXPERIENCE – Materials
- From Abaqus To 3DEXPERIENCE – Sets, Meshing, Properties
- From Abaqus To 3DEXPERIENCE – Assembly Sets, Constraints
- From Abaqus To 3DEXPERIENCE – Procedures, Steps, Loads, Boundary Conditions
Take a look at the various posts and give us feedback on how helpful this work is to you.
Have fun!

Ralf Paßmann has been working with Abaqus for 35 years. He started with the pipe-rolling simulation with Abaqus/Standard and an editor as a pre-processor in the late 80s. Initiating and supporting the migration project to use Abaqus/Explicit as crash code at BMW was a highlight of his work with Abaqus and the people behind it. Ralf has now been back in Abaqus sales for around ten years with the aim of supporting customers in the reliable use of simulation in development processes.